Friday 22 April 2011

Sneak Preview of 'Bellows' vintage.

I'm currently in the process of setting up an online vintage store. I've always loved and been interested in the history of things and I think this is where my love of vintage stems from. The fact that the item had a whole life before me and sometimes has scars to show it intrigues and excites me! I love the thrill of sourcing pretty vintage gems, often scouring charity shops, carboot sales and jumble sales.
  It'll be mainly a hobby to begin with just to see what happens. I guess if you don't try things you'll never know. I'm in the process of working with my friend Andy Hart in getting a website together and the photo's are courtesy of Luke Jefferson. All items are sourced by yours truely and lovingly sold on to good homes. Not only is vintage stylish and pretty but it's also environmentally friendly! Re-use, recycle and make do and mend! I hope to eventually customise and recycle clothing too.
Here's a preview of the goodies so far!

Thursday 21 April 2011

Daffodils and Dining

I painted these daffodils on canvas using acrylic paint for our dining room. A project I finally got around to doing today in the sunshine!

Twit twooo

There's nothing like experimentin'....

Anything is possible.....

Birmingham Library.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Thursday 14 April 2011

Illustrated Photoshoot.

The results of a collaboration I did with my good friend Lauren Glenis (fashion photographer and stylist).  As you saw in a previous post I had created Ink paintings, these are the paintings projected onto the model. I hope to work with this talented lady again! I scanned the photo's which resulted in a grainy look... which in my opinion adds to the overall effect. Happy accidents are the best.

Monday 4 April 2011

Circus Illustration

I was asked by a friend to do some illustrations which are going to be projected onto a model for a fashion shoot. She wanted 'creepy circus animals' taking inspiration from an ink drawing of a magpie I'd created that she liked...

Here are the finished drawings....I can't wait to see the end result!