Tuesday 1 November 2011

Lots of love for Dr.Seuss!

We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love

Tuesday 19 July 2011


I've been trying to write a few lyrics recently, but I always seem to come up with little poems....here are a few...

'I'd like a tattoo'

I'd like a tattoo
but is it for me? Or is it for you?
Adrenaline junkie
come and keep me company?
It's the way in which you interpret
Criminial? Culprit?
or just a disguise for the rebel inside
Righteous vigilante
Modern day Aunty
What the hell, I think I just fell.


I made a font today
It was work not play
But who's to say
what is work and what is play?
Who said we have to work 9-5?
I'd quite like to go and see Bon Iver live.


We reap what we sow
I sew to keep busy
My finger is bleeding
I'm offered a thimble
The thimble does well
to soften the blow
but it's just a pretty metal mask
to what's below

Friday 17 June 2011

Pretty new pretties

  So thankful for amazing friends.

I think I'm turning Japanese?

                                   Was born to live in Japan. Sushi for lunch every day please?
                                                Macha Green tea Frappe.

                                It's amazing what you can find at the Birmingham Indoor market

Reindeer converse

Wish they did these in adult sizes!

I do love a bit of baking...

Almond&Coconut Macaroons.
Almond&Coffee Cake.
Ice cream Cupcakes.
Panda cupcakes.
I like cake.
Lets Bake cakes.
Lets eat cake.

Monday 6 June 2011

flyer flier flyer flier.

I wanted a hand-drawn & sketchy look so after wacking out a few ideas I came up with this for the Bellows Vintage flier. Bellows=Fly?

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Vintage Japan

Drawing inspiration from old Japanese photographs...


Loving this photo blog, take me to Japan!

Sunday 29 May 2011


So apparently Reindeer are the only mammal who can see ultraviolet light....they do have superpowers!!
Thank relevant for your news. This has made my week.
'Suddenly the power of flight doesn't seem so far fetched'......

Tuesday 24 May 2011

These made me giggle.....

Bellows Vintage

....is excited to announce it's big reveal will be tomorrow (25.05.11) at 12pm. Stay tuned for details!!

Monday 23 May 2011

Japanese inspired.

Got to love paperchase and their Japanese inspired range of pretty bits and bobs.


If you haven't already...go and watch Submarine!! Best film I've seen in a while.

Vintage bow tie

Wearing my new Bow Tie wasn't enough, I had to draw it too. A little bit obsessed....

That pretty vintage outfit isn't complete without that pretty vintage do. Experimentin'!

Thanks to Eve and Jaspal!!x

Russion dolls and bunny rabbit love.

Friday 22 April 2011

Sneak Preview of 'Bellows' vintage.

I'm currently in the process of setting up an online vintage store. I've always loved and been interested in the history of things and I think this is where my love of vintage stems from. The fact that the item had a whole life before me and sometimes has scars to show it intrigues and excites me! I love the thrill of sourcing pretty vintage gems, often scouring charity shops, carboot sales and jumble sales.
  It'll be mainly a hobby to begin with just to see what happens. I guess if you don't try things you'll never know. I'm in the process of working with my friend Andy Hart in getting a website together and the photo's are courtesy of Luke Jefferson. All items are sourced by yours truely and lovingly sold on to good homes. Not only is vintage stylish and pretty but it's also environmentally friendly! Re-use, recycle and make do and mend! I hope to eventually customise and recycle clothing too.
Here's a preview of the goodies so far!

Thursday 21 April 2011

Daffodils and Dining

I painted these daffodils on canvas using acrylic paint for our dining room. A project I finally got around to doing today in the sunshine!

Twit twooo

There's nothing like experimentin'....

Anything is possible.....

Birmingham Library.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Thursday 14 April 2011

Illustrated Photoshoot.

The results of a collaboration I did with my good friend Lauren Glenis (fashion photographer and stylist).  As you saw in a previous post I had created Ink paintings, these are the paintings projected onto the model. I hope to work with this talented lady again! I scanned the photo's which resulted in a grainy look... which in my opinion adds to the overall effect. Happy accidents are the best.

Monday 4 April 2011

Circus Illustration

I was asked by a friend to do some illustrations which are going to be projected onto a model for a fashion shoot. She wanted 'creepy circus animals' taking inspiration from an ink drawing of a magpie I'd created that she liked...

Here are the finished drawings....I can't wait to see the end result!

Sunday 27 February 2011

Sutton Vintage & Arts Fair

Get your cute vintage butts down to Sutton vintage & arts Fair!
It's going to be a brilliant day out, come and say Hi (I'll be working for 'Frock on Vintage') :



Tuesday 1 February 2011


'Exit through the gift shop' and 'Somewhere' are two films i've watched and loved recently.
'Somewhere' shows us that fame and fortune isn't as fulfilling as we think, plus it reminded me of a song I love by Phoenix:


Definitely has to played at full volume!

.....whilst 'Exit through the gift shop' makes me want to give up my day job and make a statement on every bit of pavement/billboard/street corner in the world I can find. Banksy made a career of it...
Well done street artists all over the world, thanks for being brave enough to make things that little bit brighter and interesting.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Watch me if you like skateboarders and barcelona


Ethical Fashion

I'm so bored of the same high street shops with the same fashion and the same layout and the same sales assistants watching their prey like hawks ready to pounce. Charity shopping or swishing is definitely the way forward!

Ethical, unique and relaxed....

'The Art of Swishing involves getting your friends together to swap gorgeous clothes and party at the same time. Every lady must bring at least one good quality, clean item of clothing, or an accessory, that she'd feel proud to hand on.

(Large sacks of designer frocks are also gratefully received. And people who bring along anyone else with a bulging wardrobe.)

"Save money, save the planet, have a party: swishing effortlessly touches all of these buttons. Swishing parties are for all those women who want to combine glamour, environmental protection and frugality."

Lucy Shea, founder of Swishing and director of Futerra Sustainability Communications'

I'm not sure I ever come out of charity shops or swishing parties empty handed.

So everybody get swishity


Scanner obsessed.

Scans of things I love.
The vegetable seed tin was my Nan's.
I bought 'The fountain' from midtown comics, New York.
The crochet/ribbons are little bits and bobs i mostly found in charity shops.
The random knitted animal is a scarf I got in barcelona. Why have a real animal around your neck when you can have a knitted one?!