Tuesday 19 July 2011


I've been trying to write a few lyrics recently, but I always seem to come up with little poems....here are a few...

'I'd like a tattoo'

I'd like a tattoo
but is it for me? Or is it for you?
Adrenaline junkie
come and keep me company?
It's the way in which you interpret
Criminial? Culprit?
or just a disguise for the rebel inside
Righteous vigilante
Modern day Aunty
What the hell, I think I just fell.


I made a font today
It was work not play
But who's to say
what is work and what is play?
Who said we have to work 9-5?
I'd quite like to go and see Bon Iver live.


We reap what we sow
I sew to keep busy
My finger is bleeding
I'm offered a thimble
The thimble does well
to soften the blow
but it's just a pretty metal mask
to what's below